I wanted to share some fun shots I took over Christmas lunch with my Dad and step-family at my step-sister's lovely house. Miss H loved seeing her cousins; she's such a social little thing. She played in their new pool and on their trampoline (with Miss E), and of course with some Christmas presents; Miss L and Miss H also played dress-ups. I think Miss H was a fairy or a princess (of course), while Miss L was the evil witch/wizard who chased her around the backyard. Lunch was a feast; unfortunately I was too busy eating or looking after Miss H's lunch to take a photo of the magnificent spread.
I took way too many photos to post separately, so today I searched for an easy (and free) program I could use to collage the photos together. My current editing software won't do it easily. CollageIt seemed to do the trick (it was the first program I tried and I couldn't be bothered to keep looking). If any of you (family members only) wish to get a copy of any of these photos, please let me know :-) A click of the mouse once on each photo collage, and then once more, will show you a larger version, so you can see more detail.
We had a lovely afternoon with these people, and it took a lot of effort to drag Miss H away, but we eventually made it out and on to our next venue ... my Mum's house. We had a relaxing little dinner there with both our Mums, during which I took no photos whatsoever, having exhausted myself in the afternoon. Sorry guys! But we had fun, and exchanged some great presents. Miss H (and I) managed to get through the day and evening without any major tantrums. And there you have it, another Christmas day over and done with. It was a good day all in all.
Well, it's taken me nearly 3 hours to write this post and get the images and words in a configuration I can live with, in amongst wrestling with our internet connection, so I think this will do for now! My next post will probably be a catch-up on our trip to Queensland earlier this year. Stay tuned ...
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