Meet feline number 2:

She's a rescued 2 yo tabby put up for adoption by our local vet clinic. She has been there for a while because she doesn't fit in very well with other animals, especially dogs. So out of pity, and because she's just so darned cute, we decided to take her home for a trial. And it's going ... ummm well ... okay? It didn't take her long at all to get used to us humans, and we found her to be a super-sweet, laid-back and affectionate girl-cat. Though not a lap-cat, she suffers (oh the suffering!) to be petted, stroked, loved and played with by the whole family.

The down-side is that Eric can't enter the same room as her without her hissing and growling at him. Eric, understandably, has taken offense at this rude and unexpected behaviour in HIS home. In the last few days we've been treated to an ear-bashing blend of hisses, growls and yowls. And Eric hates me. Boohoo! Today it's been a little bit better. They have mostly been sitting/laying at either end of the house, staring at each other, with just a little hissing to let each other know that they want to be in a one-cat family. We're willing to wait another few days to see how it goes; we really, really want this to work.
Hey Kylie :) thanks for your comments on my blog! I haven't had any time really to dedicate to finishing any of my pieces :( I just keep dreaming of getting my hand on the Golden fluids and acrylic inks from soon as I start working expect a call :)) Love your cat...what a gorgeous coat.....I'm tempted to get one but have decided to wait til Niamh's immunology reportjust incase she's allergic...keep writing..I like your style,
Thanks Fi, Follower #1 :) Looking forward to supply-fest; Ive already put some things on my Blick wishlist!